Steam piping redesign
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-05
Isometric drawings
Unit: GP-1, GP-2
Client: BIS Slovensko, Rovinka - Slovakia
Date of execution: 2014-04
Soft water piping
Unit: Predryer piping system
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-05
Soft water piping
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-04
Intelligent process diagrams for GSP section
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-05
Steam piping for section 6.2
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-03
OSBL piping for section 6.2
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-03
P&ID preparation of cendensate return system acc. to provided PFD and piping design of the current system
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-03
P&ID drafting acc. to provided PFD
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: Under Design
Air piping redesign for scanners of heaters KR-701/1.2
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-001
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-03
Hot water and steam piping stress analysis
Unit: Power House
Client: Anwil, Wloclawek - Poland
Date of execution: 2014-06
Stress calculation of 1 units for oil rigs
Unit: NMVOC Plant Heidrun FSU
Client: Samsung Heavy Ind. Ã…sgard - Norway
Date of execution: Under Design
Line 99/2
Unit: PZC
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-10
Refinery requiremants data bases
Unit: N/A
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: Under Design
Stress calculation of 3 skids for oil rigs
Unit: NMVOC Plant Heidrun FSU
Client: Samsung Heavy Ind., Ã…sgard - Norway
Date of execution: 2014-06
Supervising at VVF installation
Unit: GP-3, VVF
Client: TKB, Brno - Czech Republic
Date of execution: 2014-02
Passports for piping
Unit: GP-3, VVF
Client: GL Steel, Warsaw - Poland
Date of execution: 2014-04
Moving trailer
Unit: Power House
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-08
Crane beam
Unit: Power House
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-08
Moving platform
Unit: Power House
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-08
Piping system for light gasoline supply
Unit: SDP
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-02
Nitrogen piping
Unit: Railway Siding
Client: ORLEN KolTrans, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-08
Steam headers
Unit: GP-1
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-09
Modernization of polimer oil separation system from towers using FB212
Unit: Olefins 2
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-09
Storage tank installation and distribution of n-propyl alcohol in the cooling section of pirogas
Unit: Olefins 2
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-09
P&I diagrams
Unit: GP-1, GP-3 (FU), PZC
Client: ORLEN Lietuva Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: Under design
The dust collection syatem for LDPE rail silos
Unit: Logistic LPE
Client: BASELL ORLEN, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-06
Loading piping
Unit: Logistic LPE
Client: BASELL ORLEN, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-09
New system of fireproof water for 5 towers, 2 tanks and rack-platform
Unit: Aromatics Production Plant
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2013-07
Redesign of gas line
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-03
Condensate from the PENEX DE-123, mechanical part design REK-12-6/3-RO-1199
Unit: GP-1, LK-2, S-200
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-03
Strength calculations of VVF heat exchangers
Unit: GP-3, VVF
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-03
Piping system and redesign of tanks for section 8.6
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-01
Piping system and redesign of tanks for section 6.2
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-03
TKB design of VVF checking
Unit: GP-3, VVF
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-03
Passports for piping
Unit: GP-1, GP-2, GP-3
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-06
Piping system for chiller CH-801
Unit: GP-3, VVF
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2013-06
The concept of improving the shunting operations at the loading railway station
Unit: ORLEN Oil
Client: ORLEN OIL, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-12
Redesign of exisitng piping of heat exchangers for chemical-pressure cleaning method
Unit: CDU 3
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-11
Clean water unit for silos V-103
Unit: Logistic LPE
Client: BASELL ORLEN, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-11
New heating of tank Rz-10 and new jumpers
Unit: GP-3, PZC, S-35
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-11
Passports for piping
Unit: GP-3
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-12
Reconstruction of fireproof water piping
Unit: FPWS
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-12
Redesign of feed water tank for washing of stationary silos
Unit: Logistic SPP
Client: BASELL ORLEN, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-07
Piping system for chiller AT-605
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-001
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-09
New connection on line P-11120
Unit: Olefins 2
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-07
Selection and installation of PSV for Dz.E-12
Unit: Liquid Gases
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-11
Redesign of connections between lines 210/4 and 110/5
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-100
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-08
Recalculations of piping (7 pcs.)
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-100
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-08
Passports for piping
Unit: GP-3
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-09
Redesign of tanks 1D510 and 1D511
Client: BASELL ORLEN, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-07
Redesign of line 615/8
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-100
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-08
Repair of DN65 piping near tank BB023
Unit: Park of Tanks
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-04
Change of location for gas heating chamber and piping
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-10
Change of location for gas heating chamber and piping
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-10
Recalculations of line 44 for FCC project
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-200
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-04
Inventory control of railway siding individual objects
Unit: Railway Siding
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-03
Selection and installation of PSV ZB-79 on the line 65-GPL-283
Unit: Liquid Gases
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-03
Revision - updating of executed projects during the 2012 turnaround
Unit: GP-1, GP-2
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-05
Redesign of steel structure with service platforms for sootblowers of boiler KU-201
Unit: GP-1, LK-2, S-200
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-03
Infrastructure for gasoline mixtures recycle
Unit: Gasoline Composition
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-05
Instruction for operation and maintenance of rainwater and snowmelt treatment unit
Unit: Fuel Terminal
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Lublin - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-01
Instruction for operation and maintenance of rainwater and snowmelt treatment unit
Unit: Gasoline Composition
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-01
New piping for tank Z-65
Unit: Gasoline Composition
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-05
Repair and maintenance for OBR PR
Unit: Plastics Warehouse
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2012-02
Syrup production plant
Unit: Syrup Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2014-02
Fan and chamber, connections and reconnections
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-04
P&ID updating of Power Plants Boilers K-1
Unit: Power House
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-01
Updating of piping documentation for Inspection Body
Unit: FCC 2
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-12
KU-201 additional equipment modernization
Unit: GP-1, LK-2, S-200 GP-2, KT-1/1, S-200
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-01
Design of the new steam and condensate piping with tender and installation for new heater
Unit: Starch Production
Client: AMILINA, Panevezys - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2012-10
Design the necessary equipment and its servicing platforms in GP-2 S-001/1 territory according to the enclosed P&ID diagram
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-001
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2011-12
Repair of cooler CH-104
Unit: CH-104
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-09
Redesign od unit "Gorzow" piping
Unit: Park of Tanks
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-10
Inventory control of the heating network
Unit: Heating Network
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-12
Redesign of distillation residue piping
Unit: Towers K-2 and C-100
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-10
Design of new dampers for KU-201 and KU-201M
Unit: GP-1, LK-2, S-100 GP-2, KT-1/1, S-100
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2011-11
Design of new dampers for KU-201 and KU-201M
Unit: GP-1, LK-1/2, S-200
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: Contract Terminated
Design of MSAR production unit 1000T trial
Unit: GP-3, BGI, MSAR
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2011-10
Redesign of feed piping
Unit: PP-4
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-09
Service platform for mantling and dismantling of heat exchanger AE-6
Unit: HF Alkylation
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-11
Redesign of fireproof water piping
Unit: Road 15-16
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-11
Instruments for energy media
Unit: Olefins, Liquid Gas
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of executrion: 2011-10
New documentation for main piping (14 pcs.)
Unit: Gasoline Composition
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-07
Piping system for new compressor DK-3
Unit: GP3
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2011-08
Checking calculation for minimum allowable wall thickness of piping
Unit: Reforming 6
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-07
Redesign of by-passes for pumps S-605/R, S-608/1.2.3, S-613/1.R basing on the project MN1582
Unit: GP-2, KT-1/1, S-001
Client: ORLEN Lietuva, Juodeikiai - Lithuania
Date of execution: 2011-09
Registration documentation for storage tanks according to requirements of UDT (15 pcs.) and GUM (9 pcs.)
Unit: Park of tanks
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-02
Design of hermetic vapour piping
Unit: Park of tanks
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-07
Design of automation
Unit: FCC 2
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-06
Design of steam piping and condensate piping development
Unit: Aviation gasoline production
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-04
Inventory control of process unit
Unit: Park of tanks
Client: OBR PR SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-05
Design of Wax Terminal
Unit: Wax Terminal
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-04
New documentation for storage tank 110
Unit: Oil composition
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2010-06
Software and normative data base supervision
Unit: N/A
Client: PKN ORLEN SA, Plock - Poland
Date of execution: 2011-08